Dec. 2022: ChriCinn Outreach Dallas Clinic

Better Vision Better Hope members serviced a mobile vision clinic at the holiday optical hosted by ChriCinn Outreach in Dallas, TX. Over 25 members of the community stopped by for a free vision examination and to check out the frames provided by ChriCinn Outreach. Children as young as 5 years old were seen and adults up to their 70s stopped by to get their eyes checked and look at glasses. Rose Community Center hosts various recreational, educational, and health events to the local Dallas community. The center is run by a nonprofit organization called Behind Every Door.

Behind Every Door (BED) works to support members of all ages for various communities in Dallas with an emphasis on children and youth. BED works to respect the uniqueness of each community and collaborate with an emphasis on engagement, exploration, education, expression, and encounter.

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The host of the event was ChriCinn Outreach.

ChriCinn Outreach provides prescription glasses to children in need in the DFW area. They also work to increase access and awareness of vision care and optical care to children and parents.

To learn more about ChriCinn Outreach visit